Donna and Ian – SMSF

Asset diversification through the use of a Self Managed Super Fund

Over Donna & Ian’s working life, they built up significant balances in their superannuation funds and were looking into generating enough surplus cash to service a loan on an investment property.

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    Purchase of an investment property through a SMSF

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    Referrals totrusted industry professionals

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    Easy pre-approval process through to a smooth settlement

Donna and ian SMSF
Our proposal

Intuitive Finance suggested that there might be an opportunity to utilise superannuation to purchase an investment property. We then referred Donna and Ian to a Financial Planning firm to confirm their strategy, establish an SMSF with the associated deeds, and management of the existing fund rollovers into the new entity. Intuitive Finance established pre-approval with a lender with the new SMSF in place. We referred Donna and Ian to a specialist Buyers Agent to source a range of suitable properties for consideration and purchase. Upon acceptance of the property offer, Intuitive Finance assisted with finalising the loan application, ensuring the trust requirements were met, and the loan settlement was managed.

The Outcome

Donna and Ian now have their first self-managed super fund asset, creating an annual income and capital growth. While SMSFs can feel complex and confusing, Intuitive Finance was able to provide guidance and referrals to specialists that met the client’s goals.

The team at Intuitive Finance were always so helpful, being with us through the entire process made it so much simpler for us as we learnt very quickly it is something that we could not do alone.”

Donna M.

Andrew Mirams